Make design work for you

Improve collaboration with designers to create experiences that matter
A course designed for people at work.

Here’s a sneak peek of what’s inside:

Who will benefit from this course

It’s for you if you want:

  • to know what kind of designers you need - because we could be of many kinds.

  • to understand designers better - because we speak in funny words.

  • to know how to set the right expectations with designers - because our brains are wired differently.

  • to understand ‘experience design’ as a process - to stop guessing what your designer is doing.

not for you if you want:

  • to become a designer.

  • to learn Figma or any other design tools.

  • to switch careers,

    …or if you don’t need to work with designers at all 😁 - no offence taken.

This course is for you to understand and work with designers better, not to become one. See modules below for more information.

What’s in this course?

Out on 23 Feb 2024!

Module 1
Introduction to Design

In this section we’re going to share and explain the fundamental and most important definitions related to UX and Product design - in a thorough but digestable way.

It’s important to understand the value of design so you’d understand your designers better.

(Work in Progress)

Module 2

Designer Types

You definitely need to know what kind of designers are out there when you’re planning to hire one or there are already some on your team.

You should have different expectations from all the designer types. We do share a lot of things in common, but we all have our specialised set of skills.

(Work in Progress)

Module 3

Your designer says": “I’m done!” and you have no idea what you’re looking at - now that’s going to change once we give you a good understanding on the most common artefacts a designer produces.

All of these serve different purposes, but they all are tools to make sure the experience you create is the best possible.

(Work in Progress)

Module 4


In this module we’ll teach you how to communicate with a designer efficiently to ensure you guys understand each other properly.

A designer has a brain that’s wired differently and they might use funny words. They mean no harm, they’re just like that.

Module structure

Each module contains videos, unique learning cards and real-life examples, and even short quizzes to test your newly gained knowledge. We aimed to present this very complex profession in an easy-to-digest way to give you the knowledge you really need, leave the fine bits to us. 😅

Why this course?

Quick, and on point

We estimate that you can cover this course in around 2-3 hours to get the knowledge you actually need.

In your own pace

You decide when and how you want to learn. We won’t hunt you down if you finish “late”. At your desk, on your phone on the tube, up to you!

Designed for you

Pun intended. We did extensive research to make sure this course is tailored to your needs.

Who are we?

We are a lovely bunch of designers from London. We are 100 Shapes.

We are experts in our fields, and especially in enterprise experience. We design solutions for people at work - and with this course we’re giving something to help work with designers better.